Avatar Bending Showdown! (With Bonus Content!)

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Avatar Bending Showdown! (With Bonus Content!)

MERCH ⇨ https://creatorink.com/collections/haminations Buy our new card game, Hoard the Hams! https://wombocombo.games/ PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/Haminations_Patreon/membership The Team! Production / Project Manager: Nate https://beacons.ai/naterenner Animator: Starani https://twitter.com/starr_ani?s=21&t=Iuvr-DJYnZfndeogfY1bAQ Animator: Michazike https://youtube.com/c/Michazike Animator: Corbin Bowman ‘TokukuDude’ https://youtube.com/c/TokukuDude Animator: YellowAngiru https://www.youtube.com/user/YellowAngiru Animator: Allen https://www.youtube.com/c/Allenimations/videos Animator: Adam https://twitter.com/adamherring1919 Animator: Xany https://www.youtube.com/c/XanyLeaves/videos Animator: Tooncee https://twitter.com/toonceeanimated BG artist: Sam https://www.instagram.com/samcp_art/ BG artist: Marrow Maniac https://twitter.com/Marrow_Maniac BG artist: Haricz https://twitter.com/haricz Story Boarder: J https://twitter.com/jellyelous Special Thanks: Brody for the music (and the stories): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwiVVxRl8WCzJSAz1pGf43g Rush And Airoah For storyboarding the fight scene! Rush: https://www.youtube.com/c/RushLightInvader Airoah: https://www.youtube.com/c/Airoah Social Media: Twitter- https://twitter.com/Haminations Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/haminations_official/ Equipment: Tablet- Huion Kamvas GT-221 Programs- Adobe animate CC, Adobe Premiere Pro Mic- Audio Technica AT 2020 Music: Song By Brody! Thank You: Thanks for all the support guys! This Is a dream come true that you make possible! Wow, you read all of this? You are dedicated my friend, I bless you with the power of your favorite element!
4, 770, 252   |   2 год. назад  |   116, 836 - 0

Avatar Bending Showdown! (With Bonus Content!)

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320x180 480x360 640x480 1280x720

Buy our new card game, Hoard the Hams!

The Team!

Production / Project Manager: Nate

Animator: Starani

Animator: Michazike

Animator: Corbin Bowman ‘TokukuDude’

Animator: YellowAngiru

Animator: Allen

Animator: Adam

Animator: Xany

Animator: Tooncee

BG artist: Sam

BG artist: Marrow Maniac

BG artist: Haricz

Story Boarder: J

Special Thanks:

Brody for the music (and the stories):

Rush And Airoah For storyboarding the fight scene!



Social Media:



Tablet- Huion Kamvas GT-221

Programs- Adobe animate CC, Adobe Premiere Pro

Mic- Audio Technica AT 2020

Music: Song By Brody!

Thank You:
Thanks for all the support guys! This Is a dream come true that you make possible!

Wow, you read all of this? You are dedicated my friend, I bless you with the power of your favorite element!

Avatar Bending Showdown! (With Bonus Content!)

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