Who Won the Off Road Wrecker Games WWE? We Have the Results! @MattsOffRoadRecovery

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Who Won the Off Road Wrecker Games WWE? We Have the Results! @MattsOffRoadRecovery

Merlins Old School Garage leaves a big footprint at the First Annual Off Road Wrecker Games. You will want to watch this video until the end! Don't forget to check out the other competitors channels; they have awesome up close footage of their own journey through the competition as well. We are so grateful to have participated in this event and want to say thank you to all the fans that voted for Merlins Old School Garage. Thank you for all of your support! Thank you Matt's Off Road Recovery for recognizing our channel, and brand, and inviting us as the wild card ('golden ticket') to participate in this competition. This event was incredible! You, the fans, made this experience memorable for us all! Thank you for your attendance and support. Sponsors: Industrial Injection @industrialinjection Yankum Ropes @YankumRopes Interco Tire @IntercoTireCorp TCS Performance The BBQ Company Havasu To donate to the Blake Family here is the GoFundMe link: https://gofund.me/a22d4be1 Competitors: Visit Rory's Channel: @trailmater Visit Paul and FabRats Channel: @FabRats Visit Eric and BSF Recovery Team Channel: @offroadrecoveryteam Visit Matt's Off Road Recovery Channel: @MattsOffRoadRecovery Judges: Alan - Yankum Ropes: @YankumRopes Casey LaDelle: @CaseyLaDelle Bleepin Colt and Bleepin Matt: @bleepinjeep Robby Layton: @RobbyLayton Rudy Wetzel: @Rudysadventureanddesignreal Connor and Brad Barnes: @barnes4wd Chad Fab: @chadsfab Rubi: @SENDITNATION Scott Stapley @thehoserz LT Lawrence Kristopher Georges! For a yankum ropes discount, use my discount code MOSG
522, 044   |   1 год. назад  |   24, 755 - 0

Who Won the Off Road Wrecker Games WWE? We Have the Results! @MattsOffRoadRecovery

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Merlins Old School Garage leaves a big footprint at the First Annual Off Road Wrecker Games. You will want to watch this video until the end! Don't forget to check out the other competitors channels; they have awesome up close footage of their own journey through the competition as well. We are so grateful to have participated in this event and want to say thank you to all the fans that voted for Merlins Old School Garage. Thank you for all of your support! Thank you Matt's Off Road Recovery for recognizing our channel, and brand, and inviting us as the wild card ("golden ticket") to participate in this competition. This event was incredible! You, the fans, made this experience memorable for us all! Thank you for your attendance and support.

Industrial Injection @industrialinjection
Yankum Ropes @YankumRopes
Interco Tire @IntercoTireCorp
TCS Performance
The BBQ Company Havasu

To donate to the Blake Family here is the GoFundMe link:

Visit Rory's Channel: @trailmater
Visit Paul and FabRats Channel: @FabRats
Visit Eric and BSF Recovery Team Channel: @offroadrecoveryteam
Visit Matt's Off Road Recovery Channel: @MattsOffRoadRecovery

Alan - Yankum Ropes: @YankumRopes
Casey LaDelle: @CaseyLaDelle
Bleepin Colt and Bleepin Matt: @bleepinjeep
Robby Layton: @RobbyLayton
Rudy Wetzel: @Rudysadventureanddesignreal
Connor and Brad Barnes: @barnes4wd
Chad Fab: @chadsfab
Scott Stapley @thehoserz
LT Lawrence

For a yankum ropes discount, use my discount code MOSG

Who Won the Off Road Wrecker Games WWE? We Have the Results! @MattsOffRoadRecovery

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