Q&A + 'Who I Am' Announcement (with Putri Ariani and Peder Elias)
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Q&A + 'Who I Am' Announcement (with Putri Ariani and Peder Elias)
302, 867 | 10 мес. назад | 15, 553 - 0
Walkers! The last 24 hours have been intense😅
We arrived on location two days ago, and was supposed to shoot the performance video for 'Who I Am' yesterday. However, the Norwegian weather Gods didn't let us - once again.
While waiting all day yesterday, we spent the time making some other content and we also shot this Q&A for you guys! Because of the conditions, we couldn't risk it by going 100% live - so here it is for you now - 12 hours later!
Hope you will check it out for a special announcement at the end... we will ALSO reveal the release date for the video.
Lastly, in case you are wondering how it went with the shoot, and if we actually were able to go through with it, go follow our stories on social media💙
@putriarianiofficial @PederEliasOfficial
#AlanWalker #Walkersjoin #Walkerworld #whoIam #WhoIAmMV #Putriariani #Pederelias #music #popularmusic #dj #producer
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