Crashes and Injuries | 4 Below Zero: S1E3

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Crashes and Injuries | 4 Below Zero: S1E3

For more info about Red Bull Crashed Ice, visit: | #crashedice Check out the action on social: @crashedice | @redbullMSP They call it Racecraft: the ability to read the course and your competition, react accordingly, and improve your position on the Track. It both mental & physical, it’s an intangible part of every Ice Cross Downhill Race, and more times than not its what separates the Champs from the chumps. A big part of those strategies is avoiding the crashes and falls that can derail a race. Episode 3 explores the equipment and on-ice training the top Athletes in the World use to give them the edge come race night. There’s no Last Chance Qualifier in Red Bull Crashed Ice – If you cross the line in the first two spots? You advance. If you don’t? You’re Out. Simple. Calculated. Cold. Fans in the USA can tune into FOX Sports on Sunday, Jan 25 at 4 pm ET for a special full length broadcast of Red Bull Crashed Ice from Saint Paul, MN. 4 below Zero takes you into the action and behind the training for the 2015 Season of Red Bull Crashed Ice – The Fastest Sport on Ice. Think you can lace up the skates and go toe to toe with these guys on the track? After seeing what American Cam Naasz, Austrian Marco Dallago and Canadian Scott Croxall go through chasing the Ice Cross Downhill World Championship, and just how technical the tracks have become, you might rethink things. Series Begins January 2nd with episodes every Friday in January. Official Red Bull Crashed Ice 2015 Season: Saint Paul, USA – January 24 Helsinki, Finland – February 7 Belfast, Ireland – February 21 Edmonton, Canada – March 14 _ Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your 'stoke factor' to be at an all time high. See into our world: Red Bull on Facebook: Red Bull on Twitter: Subscribe to Red Bull on Youtube: Subscribe to the Red Bulletin: Sign up for our Newsletter here:
131, 211   |   10 год. назад  |   954 - 0

Crashes and Injuries | 4 Below Zero: S1E3

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For more info about Red Bull Crashed Ice, visit: | #crashedice
Check out the action on social: @crashedice | @redbullMSP

They call it Racecraft: the ability to read the course and your competition, react accordingly, and improve your position on the Track. It both mental & physical, it’s an intangible part of every Ice Cross Downhill Race, and more times than not its what separates the Champs from the chumps. A big part of those strategies is avoiding the crashes and falls that can derail a race. Episode 3 explores the equipment and on-ice training the top Athletes in the World use to give them the edge come race night. There’s no Last Chance Qualifier in Red Bull Crashed Ice – If you cross the line in the first two spots? You advance. If you don’t? You’re Out. Simple. Calculated. Cold.

Fans in the USA can tune into FOX Sports on Sunday, Jan 25 at 4 pm ET for a special full length broadcast of Red Bull Crashed Ice from Saint Paul, MN.

4 below Zero takes you into the action and behind the training for the 2015 Season of Red Bull Crashed Ice – The Fastest Sport on Ice. Think you can lace up the skates and go toe to toe with these guys on the track? After seeing what American Cam Naasz, Austrian Marco Dallago and Canadian Scott Croxall go through chasing the Ice Cross Downhill World Championship, and just how technical the tracks have become, you might rethink things. Series Begins January 2nd with episodes every Friday in January.

Official Red Bull Crashed Ice 2015 Season:

Saint Paul, USA – January 24
Helsinki, Finland – February 7
Belfast, Ireland – February 21
Edmonton, Canada – March 14

Experience the world of Red Bull like you have never seen it before. With the best action sports clips on the web and original series, prepare for your "stoke factor" to be at an all time high.

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Crashes and Injuries | 4 Below Zero: S1E3

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