Mailroom Mayhem 🍓 Berry Bitty Adventures 🍓 Strawberry Shortcake Mega Compilation

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Mailroom Mayhem 🍓 Berry Bitty Adventures 🍓 Strawberry Shortcake Mega Compilation

Strawberry is at Orange’s store to mail a birthday card to a friend in Big Bitty City. Just after she drops the card into the mail slot, an ill postal carrier bee sneezes sending envelopes and post cards flying in all directions. The two girls help Jadeybug, a postal clerk, and Postmaster Bee gather up the strewn letters and the ill bee gets sent home from work. Postmaster Bee is the only one left to deliver all the mail including the birthday package for Clem Cricket that needs to arrive that day. Strawberry, always wanting to help out, volunteers to deliver the cricket’s birthday package. The Postmaster swears her in as an authorized postal carrier and gives her a postal carrier’s cap. Join Strawberry Shortcake on a brand new adventures in Big Apple City! Follow the fun adventures of Strawberry and her friends as she tries to become the best chef in a fun and exciting adventure! ► Subscribe for new videos every week! ► Watch Berry in The Big City Season 2 : ► Watch Berry in The Big City Season 1 : ► Berry in the Big City Bonus Content : ► Strawberry Shortcake Full Episodes ► Strawberry's Berry Best Compilations Visit Strawberry online at Friend Strawberry on Facebook!
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Mailroom Mayhem 🍓 Berry Bitty Adventures 🍓 Strawberry Shortcake Mega Compilation

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Strawberry is at Orange’s store to mail a birthday card to a friend in Big Bitty City. Just after she drops the card into the mail slot, an ill postal carrier bee sneezes sending envelopes and post cards flying in all directions. The two girls help Jadeybug, a postal clerk, and Postmaster Bee gather up the strewn letters and the ill bee gets sent home from work. Postmaster Bee is the only one left to deliver all the mail including the birthday package for Clem Cricket that needs to arrive that day. Strawberry, always wanting to help out, volunteers to deliver the cricket’s birthday package. The Postmaster swears her in as an authorized postal carrier and gives her a postal carrier’s cap.

Join Strawberry Shortcake on a brand new adventures in Big Apple City! Follow the fun adventures of Strawberry and her friends as she tries to become the best chef in a fun and exciting adventure!

► Subscribe for new videos every week!

► Watch Berry in The Big City Season 2 :

► Watch Berry in The Big City Season 1 :

► Berry in the Big City Bonus Content :

► Strawberry Shortcake Full Episodes

► Strawberry's Berry Best Compilations

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Mailroom Mayhem 🍓 Berry Bitty Adventures 🍓 Strawberry Shortcake Mega Compilation

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