A Big Problem for PS5 Users Caused by This

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A Big Problem for PS5 Users Caused by This

If your PS5 SSD screw stripped then here's how to fix it easy! This has been a big problem for many PlayStation 5 Users but I have good news.. You CAN remove the stripped screw from a PS5 M.2 SSD expansion with simple household items & get a replacement screw size correct for your PS5 for very cheap! I show you step-by-step how to remove a stripped PS5 screw in the SSD slot quickly with no troubles.. This can be a BAD situation for many PS5 users & it's becoming more common for a lot of PlayStation 5 consoles to have this happen. Hope you find this video helpful!.. Also, you can purchase a replacement PS5 SSD screw with correct size from Amazon using the affiliate link below.. As an associate I may earn from qualifying purchases. PlayStation 5 SSD Screw Replacement: https://amzn.to/42cDB5z Thanks for watching! for MORE tips & tricks for your PS5 make sure to SUBSCRIBE, leave a 'LIKE' rating, & ring the bell for post notifications.
179, 461   |   1 год. назад  |   5, 196 - 0

A Big Problem for PS5 Users Caused by This

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If your PS5 SSD screw stripped then here's how to fix it easy! This has been a big problem for many PlayStation 5 Users but I have good news.. You CAN remove the stripped screw from a PS5 M.2 SSD expansion with simple household items & get a replacement screw size correct for your PS5 for very cheap! I show you step-by-step how to remove a stripped PS5 screw in the SSD slot quickly with no troubles.. This can be a BAD situation for many PS5 users & it's becoming more common for a lot of PlayStation 5 consoles to have this happen. Hope you find this video helpful!..

Also, you can purchase a replacement PS5 SSD screw with correct size from Amazon using the affiliate link below.. As an associate I may earn from qualifying purchases.

PlayStation 5 SSD Screw Replacement:

Thanks for watching! for MORE tips & tricks for your PS5 make sure to SUBSCRIBE, leave a "LIKE" rating, & ring the bell for post notifications.

A Big Problem for PS5 Users Caused by This

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