KASHTAKA-Scary Urban Legend with Aubrey and Caleb!

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KASHTAKA-Scary Urban Legend with Aubrey and Caleb!

KASHTAKA-Scary Urban Legend with Aubrey and Caleb! Watch Part 1: We LOOKED for the KASHTAKA! SCARY URBAN LEGEND! https://youtu.be/Py0uIjbDCTc Subscribe to see more videos! (Fun and Crazy Kids) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkWAs7_9dVYbiicWpP_hMkg?sub_confirmation=1* *This video might be a little scary for our younger viewers. Have you ever heard of the legend of the kashtaka aka the man that lives in the water? Well Aubrey and her mom Mellisa looked for him last week and decided to go back to the spot where we think we spotted this creature! . We actually think we may have spotted him in the water. Legend has it that the Kashtaka likes to lure people into the lake and then they are never heard from again. Hopefully it's just a scary story and she doesn't come looking for his next victim! What do you guys think? Fun and Crazy Family: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpLawaJBP7xQV3pzDDWzJYw?sub_confirmation=1* We have Fun and crazy Kids Merch! https://teespring.com/stores/fun-and-crazy-kids-store Watch this next: ALIEN MOM is BACK! Something STRANGE is HAPPENING! ATTACK of the VILLAINS! https://youtu.be/gqnC1kVKjoY You can mail me here: Fun and Crazy Kids PO Box 1959 Sand Springs, OK 74063 Follow Me On Instagram: funandcrazykids Follow Me on TikTok: aubrey.swigart https://www.facebook.com/FunAndCrazyKids/ For Business Inquiries: funandcrazykids@gmail.com Watch this NEXT: We SAW a DEER LADY in the WOODS?! The LEGEND of the DEER WOMAN 😵 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ5qTvgp2dE&t=327s
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KASHTAKA-Scary Urban Legend with Aubrey and Caleb!

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KASHTAKA-Scary Urban Legend with Aubrey and Caleb!


Subscribe to see more videos! (Fun and Crazy Kids) *

*This video might be a little scary for our younger viewers.

Have you ever heard of the legend of the kashtaka aka the man that lives in the water? Well Aubrey and her mom Mellisa looked for him last week and decided to go back to the spot where we think we spotted this creature! . We actually think we may have spotted him in the water. Legend has it that the Kashtaka likes to lure people into the lake and then they are never heard from again. Hopefully it's just a scary story and she doesn't come looking for his next victim! What do you guys think?

Fun and Crazy Family: *

We have Fun and crazy Kids Merch!

Watch this next: ALIEN MOM is BACK! Something STRANGE is HAPPENING! ATTACK of the VILLAINS!

You can mail me here:
Fun and Crazy Kids
PO Box 1959
Sand Springs, OK 74063

Follow Me On Instagram: funandcrazykids
Follow Me on TikTok: aubrey.swigart

For Business Inquiries: funandcrazykids@gmail.com

Watch this NEXT: We SAW a DEER LADY in the WOODS?! The LEGEND of the DEER WOMAN 😵

KASHTAKA-Scary Urban Legend with Aubrey and Caleb!

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