The Fallen [Iraq War] - ABC News Nightline - April 30, 2004

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The Fallen [Iraq War] - ABC News Nightline - April 30, 2004

Ted Koppel reads the names of members of the United States Armed Forces who were killed in the Iraq War since it began in March 2003. Initially the owner of the Sinclair Broadcast Group in Maryland protested, believing that Koppel was making a political statement and that ABC was undermining the war effort in Iraq. In protest, Sinclair forced its ABC-affiliated stations to not air that night's edition. ABC responded to the controversy, saying that the program was meant to be 'an expression of respect which seeks to honor those who have laid down their lives for this country.' When Koppel repeated the format twice in 2004 and 2005 for soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, all of Sinclair's stations aired the programs as scheduled.
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The Fallen [Iraq War] - ABC News Nightline - April 30, 2004

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Ted Koppel reads the names of members of the United States Armed Forces who were killed in the Iraq War since it began in March 2003. Initially the owner of the Sinclair Broadcast Group in Maryland protested, believing that Koppel was making a political statement and that ABC was undermining the war effort in Iraq. In protest, Sinclair forced its ABC-affiliated stations to not air that night's edition. ABC responded to the controversy, saying that the program was meant to be "an expression of respect which seeks to honor those who have laid down their lives for this country." When Koppel repeated the format twice in 2004 and 2005 for soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, all of Sinclair's stations aired the programs as scheduled.

The Fallen [Iraq War] - ABC News Nightline - April 30, 2004

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