Animals loaded onto ship for trip to atomic bomb testing site (1946)
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Animals loaded onto ship for trip to atomic bomb testing site (1946)
1, 285 | 4 год. назад | 5 - 0
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Goats and pigs loaded onto ship in San Francisco for delivery to nuclear weapon testing site at Bikini Atoll
Full Description:
USA: San Francisco:
ANIMALS. Shots of animals being loaded on to boats at San Francisco for the atom bomb tests,
SAN FRANCISCO. Shots of animals being loaded on ship for the atom bob in the pacific
Science and Technology; Munitions and Armaments
Marshall Islands, Operation Crossroads, animal testing, radiation, atom bomb, rats, dock, experiment
Background: Goats and pigs loaded onto ship in San Francisco for delivery to nuclear weapon testing site at Bikini Atoll
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Archive: Reuters
Archive managed by: British Pathé
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