Massive ENGINE FAIL 5.9 Cummins 12 Valve This Truck Has a Motor Oil Leak From Hell!! $$

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Massive ENGINE FAIL 5.9 Cummins 12 Valve This Truck Has a Motor Oil Leak From Hell!! $$

@MerlinsOldSchoolGarage heads to @industrialinjection to drop off a core to this 5.9 Cummins that is old and tired. It needs major work and the guys at industrial injection are the right people for the job! Merlin gets a surprise when he arrives and he hopes it is another engine in the dumpster... watch to find out! For all your diesel needs visit Shout out to Scott, Dustin, Bryton and all the guys at Industrial Injection. MOSG appreciates you all! For MOSG merchandise visit
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Massive ENGINE FAIL 5.9 Cummins 12 Valve This Truck Has a Motor Oil Leak From Hell!! $$

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@MerlinsOldSchoolGarage heads to @industrialinjection to drop off a core to this 5.9 Cummins that is old and tired. It needs major work and the guys at industrial injection are the right people for the job! Merlin gets a surprise when he arrives and he hopes it is another engine in the dumpster... watch to find out!

For all your diesel needs visit
Shout out to Scott, Dustin, Bryton and all the guys at Industrial Injection. MOSG appreciates you all!

For MOSG merchandise visit

Massive ENGINE FAIL 5.9 Cummins 12 Valve This Truck Has a Motor Oil Leak From Hell!! $$

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