Hollywood's High Water Rescue Fleet: Ensuring Public Safety in Emergencies

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Hollywood's High Water Rescue Fleet: Ensuring Public Safety in Emergencies

With natural disasters on the increase worldwide, the Hollywood Fire and Rescue Department saw the need to find practical ways to ensure the safety of the residents of Hollywood even in areas that are prone to severe flooding. To assist with this endeavor, 3 High Water Rescue vehicles were purchased. The trucks are actually refurbished military vehicles and have been very useful in gaining access to city residents in need. The nature of the emergencies have ranged from someone stuck in their vehicle with the water level rising to people with medical emergencies in need of assistance in a flooded zone. The trucks are colored Red, White and Blue. #hollywood #hollywoodflorida #hollywoodfl
408   |   7 мес. назад  |   0 - 0

Hollywood's High Water Rescue Fleet: Ensuring Public Safety in Emergencies

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With natural disasters on the increase worldwide, the Hollywood Fire and Rescue Department saw the need to find practical ways to ensure the safety of the residents of Hollywood even in areas that are prone to severe flooding.

To assist with this endeavor, 3 High Water Rescue vehicles were purchased. The trucks are actually refurbished military vehicles and have been very useful in gaining access to city residents in need. The nature of the emergencies have ranged from someone stuck in their vehicle with the water level rising to people with medical emergencies in need of assistance in a flooded zone.

The trucks are colored Red, White and Blue.

#hollywood #hollywoodflorida #hollywoodfl

Hollywood's High Water Rescue Fleet: Ensuring Public Safety in Emergencies

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