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109, 520 | 7 год. назад | 275 - 0
Book tickets to see BLOODHOUND run -
28th October:
Today, 29 September 2017 the BLOODHOUND team achieved a huge engineering milestone. They successfully started up the state-of-the-art EJ200 jet engine which had been installed in the car and took it to max reheat (aka afterburner). Driver Andy Green sat in the cockpit throttling the jet engine with his right foot. The car was tied down to a secure anchor point on the southern side of Cornwall Airport Newquay.
Data from the sensors on the car confirmed the jet engine produced the expected thrust during maximum reheat.
“What a fantastic ending to the end of our first week of testing said Stuart Edmondson, Head of Engineering Operations. “Integrating a Eurofighter Typhoon jet engine into the car is a huge challenge; however, we have succeeded!”
“Witnessing the EJ200 jet engine at maximum reheat is a fantastic experience. Not only can you see the shock diamonds and hear the deafening noise, you can physically feel the power of the engine as your body shakes.”
“With the static tests complete the Team will move onto dynamic testing, ready for our high speed, 200mph, trials at the end of October.”
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