Ring the Bell | Christmas Songs for Kids
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Ring the Bell | Christmas Songs for Kids
988, 038 | 9 год. назад | 1, 551 - 0
Ring the Bell with Marty! A fun Christmas song with actions for kids. Works great with toddlers, preschool, kindergarten and the ESL / EFL classroom. Download song:
Christmas Songs for Kids playlist:
Ring the Bell Lyrics:
Do you have a bell?
Let’s do the Christmas Dance.
Ring the bell, above your head.
Ring the bell, above your head.
Ring the bell, above your head.
Let’s do the Christmas Dance.
Ring the bell, behind your back.
Ring the bell, behind your back.
Ring the bell, behind your back.
Let’s do the Christmas Dance.
Let’s count!
One, two, three, four, five.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Ring the bell, between your knees.
Ring the bell, between your knees.
Ring the bell, between your knees.
Let’s do the Christmas dance.
Ring the bell, under your arm.
Ring the bell, under your arm.
Ring the bell, under your arm.
Let’s do the Christmas dance.
Let’s count!
One, two, three, four, five.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Ring the bell, and turn around.
Ring the bell, and turn around.
Ring the bell, and turn around.
Please sit down.
Let’s ring the bell quickly.
Let’s ring it slowly.
Let’s ring it quietly.
Let’s ring it loudly.
Now Let’s stand up and sing one more time.
Ring the bell, and turn around.
Ring the bell, and turn around.
Ring the bell, and turn around.
Please sit down.
Copyright Maple Leaf Learning
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