Japanese "Exciting Bookstore" 【ヴィレッジバンガード】日英字幕

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Japanese "Exciting Bookstore" 【ヴィレッジバンガード】日英字幕

★Cat Merch! https://crowdmade.com/collections/junskitchen - Village/Vanguard is supposed to be a bookstore, but in reality it seems more like a novelty shop! It's a chain of stores spread across Japan--this one was in the mall Mozo Wondercity in Nagoya. They had everything from ice trays to Ghibli products to anime figures to tissue boxes! And of course books and manga. You can find many of the products in this video on their website here: http://vvstore.jp/ German subtitles thanks to: Britta Binder Indonesian subtitles thanks to: *See note below Want to help subtitle our videos? http://www.youtube.com/timedtext_video?v=Qmve8C68z5c *YouTube stopped giving us the names of people who submit subtitles! Please message us so we can credit you! 【You can also find us:】 ×Gaming channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/RachelandJunGame ×Extra videos: http://www.youtube.com/user/RachelandJunExtra ×Jun's Kitchen: http://www.youtube.com/user/JunsKitchen ×Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/rachelandjun/profile ×Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RachelAndJun ×Twitter: https://twitter.com/RachelAndJun ×Instagram: http://instagram.com/rachelandjun ×Our blog: http://rachelandjun.blogspot.com/
555, 781   |   11 год. назад  |   10, 137 - 0

Japanese 'Exciting Bookstore' 【ヴィレッジバンガード】日英字幕

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★Cat Merch!

- Village/Vanguard is supposed to be a bookstore, but in reality it seems more like a novelty shop! It's a chain of stores spread across Japan--this one was in the mall Mozo Wondercity in Nagoya. They had everything from ice trays to Ghibli products to anime figures to tissue boxes! And of course books and manga.

You can find many of the products in this video on their website here:

German subtitles thanks to: Britta Binder
Indonesian subtitles thanks to: *See note below

Want to help subtitle our videos?

*YouTube stopped giving us the names of people who submit subtitles! Please message us so we can credit you!

【You can also find us:】
×Gaming channel:
×Extra videos:
×Jun's Kitchen:
×Our blog:

Japanese 'Exciting Bookstore' 【ヴィレッジバンガード】日英字幕

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