Your PS5 Will Overheat Because Of This

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Your PS5 Will Overheat Because Of This

Here's why your PS5 is overheating when playing PS5 Games & how to fix it easy! If new PlayStation 5 games cause your PS5 to overheat then you need to check for this right now.. I show you step by step the best ways to prevent your PS5 overheating & what to do if you experience this very serious problem. The good new is this common PS5 issue can be fixed if you follow these steps to prevent it. The most common reason your PlayStation 5 is overheating is because the PS5 power supply vent is clogged with dust. You can easily prevent this from happening by simply cleaning your PS5 cooling fan at least once per month. You can also try placing your PS5 horizontally to prevent future problems with liquid metal on CPU. Try using Performance Mode on PS5 & see if it fixes the overheating problem! Lastly, make sure to clear the system cache & rebuild the system database. Thanks for watching! for MORE tips & tricks videos for PlayStation, make sure to SUBSCRIBE.
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Your PS5 Will Overheat Because Of This

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Here's why your PS5 is overheating when playing PS5 Games & how to fix it easy! If new PlayStation 5 games cause your PS5 to overheat then you need to check for this right now.. I show you step by step the best ways to prevent your PS5 overheating & what to do if you experience this very serious problem. The good new is this common PS5 issue can be fixed if you follow these steps to prevent it. The most common reason your PlayStation 5 is overheating is because the PS5 power supply vent is clogged with dust. You can easily prevent this from happening by simply cleaning your PS5 cooling fan at least once per month. You can also try placing your PS5 horizontally to prevent future problems with liquid metal on CPU. Try using Performance Mode on PS5 & see if it fixes the overheating problem! Lastly, make sure to clear the system cache & rebuild the system database. Thanks for watching! for MORE tips & tricks videos for PlayStation, make sure to SUBSCRIBE.

Your PS5 Will Overheat Because Of This

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