Better Off [Metajoker + GatoPaint]
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Better Off [Metajoker + GatoPaint]
Here's a thingy I've been working on really hard with Meta, I remember him posting this idea in some discord Channel and after listening I really wanted to help him produce this awesome composition, so we started working together this beautiful piece of music! . Artwork by : Metajoker Channel: Support this guys ! and thanks for watching! :') FREE DOWNLOAD:
7, 680 | 7 год. назад | 305 - 0
Here's a thingy I've been working on really hard with Meta, I remember him posting this idea in some discord Channel and after listening I really wanted to help him produce this awesome composition, so we started working together this beautiful piece of music! .
Artwork by :
Metajoker Channel:
Support this guys ! and thanks for watching! :')
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