Concord (Beta) All Cinematics & Cutscenes

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Concord (Beta) All Cinematics & Cutscenes

Concord Season 0 of in-game Week 1 & Week 2 cutscenes from the Early Access Beta Test and the public Open Beta Test that released these past weekends on July. A battle between Northstar & Dark Cutter. 00:00 Concord Intro 00:03 Opening Cinematic 03:11 Week 1 | Vocal Cartographer 05:12 Week 2 | Name__Final__Final__02 06:40 Concord Ending 06:48 Outro The game has receive comparisons to Overwatch 2 ever since the official reveal, but when you play the game, it actually feels like Destiny 2 but with hero abilities. Unlike hero shooters like Overwatch and Valorant, this game doesn't have an ultimate ability at all. Besides a few heroes that has ways of healing, the majority of them has to rely on health packs. It also doesn't have any type of highlight of your performance. List of Heroes: [Anchor] 1-0FF Emari [Haunt] Bazz It-Z Roka [Breacher] Daveers Star Child [Tactician] Daw Kyps Lark [Ranger] Duchess Jabali Teo [Warden] Haymar Lennox Vale Developer: Firewalk Studios Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment Video Game Platforms: PC | Windows Steam | Epic Games PlayStation 5 | PS5 #GameAtHeart #Concord #ConcordBeta Subscribe to GameAtHeart and click the bell to get notified for more videos:
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Concord (Beta) All Cinematics & Cutscenes

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Concord Season 0 of in-game Week 1 & Week 2 cutscenes from the Early Access Beta Test and the public Open Beta Test that released these past weekends on July. A battle between Northstar & Dark Cutter.

00:00 Concord Intro
00:03 Opening Cinematic
03:11 Week 1 | Vocal Cartographer
05:12 Week 2 | Name__Final__Final__02
06:40 Concord Ending
06:48 Outro

The game has receive comparisons to Overwatch 2 ever since the official reveal, but when you play the game, it actually feels like Destiny 2 but with hero abilities. Unlike hero shooters like Overwatch and Valorant, this game doesn't have an ultimate ability at all. Besides a few heroes that has ways of healing, the majority of them has to rely on health packs. It also doesn't have any type of highlight of your performance.

List of Heroes:



Star Child




Developer: Firewalk Studios
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment

Video Game Platforms:
PC | Windows
Steam | Epic Games
PlayStation 5 | PS5

#GameAtHeart #Concord #ConcordBeta

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Concord (Beta) All Cinematics & Cutscenes

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