Double headed Triple Handed Dragon How American Shower heads work 2? Bath Tap Faucet

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Double headed Triple Handed Dragon How American Shower heads work 2? Bath Tap Faucet

Is this the most Amazing American Shower Head ever? Well tell me in the comments if you have a more complicated one. Just because I found American Shower Heads and their controls so difficult I made a video showing how to operate a few different types. It has proven ver popular and that I wasn't alone. Enjoy this addition it's a Ripper. Affiliate Links: Buy your own Double Headed Shower Head: Or One with 3 Heads Here: In case you have to repair one. This is the closest I could find to the adjustable wrench I use: Cheap Slip joint (groove/channel lock) Pliers: Irwin Slip joint (groove/channel lock) Pliers: Pointy Nose pliers: Great Base Tool kit: Yes buy yourself this so you can fix things. Having Tools is a great investment: A viewer told me I needed to add a link so people could buy me a Beer or Coffee when they are so helped, especially financially by my videos, so here it is Thanks 😃: Mark’s reviews & Tutorials
214   |   10 мес. назад  |   1 - 0

Double headed Triple Handed Dragon How American Shower heads work 2?   Bath Tap Faucet

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Is this the most Amazing American Shower Head ever? Well tell me in the comments if you have a more complicated one.
Just because I found American Shower Heads and their controls so difficult I made a video showing how to operate a few different types. It has proven ver popular and that I wasn't alone.
Enjoy this addition it's a Ripper.

Affiliate Links:
Buy your own Double Headed Shower Head:
Or One with 3 Heads Here:

In case you have to repair one.
This is the closest I could find to the adjustable wrench I use:
Cheap Slip joint (groove/channel lock) Pliers:
Irwin Slip joint (groove/channel lock) Pliers:
Pointy Nose pliers:
Great Base Tool kit: Yes buy yourself this so you can fix things. Having Tools is a great investment:

A viewer told me I needed to add a link so people could buy me a Beer or Coffee when they are so helped, especially financially by my videos, so here it is Thanks 😃:

Mark’s reviews & Tutorials

Double headed Triple Handed Dragon How American Shower heads work 2?   Bath Tap Faucet

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