Double headed Triple Handed Dragon How American Shower heads work 2? Bath Tap Faucet
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Double headed Triple Handed Dragon How American Shower heads work 2? Bath Tap Faucet
214 | 10 мес. назад | 1 - 0
Is this the most Amazing American Shower Head ever? Well tell me in the comments if you have a more complicated one.
Just because I found American Shower Heads and their controls so difficult I made a video showing how to operate a few different types. It has proven ver popular and that I wasn't alone.
Enjoy this addition it's a Ripper.
Affiliate Links:
Buy your own Double Headed Shower Head:
Or One with 3 Heads Here:
In case you have to repair one.
This is the closest I could find to the adjustable wrench I use:
Cheap Slip joint (groove/channel lock) Pliers:
Irwin Slip joint (groove/channel lock) Pliers:
Pointy Nose pliers:
Great Base Tool kit: Yes buy yourself this so you can fix things. Having Tools is a great investment:
A viewer told me I needed to add a link so people could buy me a Beer or Coffee when they are so helped, especially financially by my videos, so here it is Thanks 😃:
Mark’s reviews & Tutorials
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