How To Cut And Strip MC or BX Cables | 3 Easy Options

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How To Cut And Strip MC or BX Cables | 3 Easy Options

Klein Tools MC Cutter - Wire Connector Locknut Wrench - MC Plastic Bushings (35 pack) - 3/8' MC Saddle Connector - Knipex Cobra Pliers (10 inch) - Knipex Cobra Pliers (5 inch) - Cut Resistant Gloves (2-Pack) - I will walk you through 3 different ways to cut metal clad (MC) cable to the desired length. This is most common for DIY homeowners when wiring something like a furnace where you need more protection than just NM cable but also don't want to run rigid conduit. You have several options to cut MC and this can be accomplished with or without specialty tools. Free Home Maintenance Checklist: Friends Don't Let Friends Tape Outlets T-Shirt: DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission.
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How To Cut And Strip MC or BX Cables | 3 Easy Options

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Klein Tools MC Cutter -
Wire Connector Locknut Wrench -
MC Plastic Bushings (35 pack) -
3/8" MC Saddle Connector -
Knipex Cobra Pliers (10 inch) -
Knipex Cobra Pliers (5 inch) -
Cut Resistant Gloves (2-Pack) -

I will walk you through 3 different ways to cut metal clad (MC) cable to the desired length. This is most common for DIY homeowners when wiring something like a furnace where you need more protection than just NM cable but also don't want to run rigid conduit. You have several options to cut MC and this can be accomplished with or without specialty tools.

Free Home Maintenance Checklist:

Friends Don't Let Friends Tape Outlets T-Shirt:

DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission.

How To Cut And Strip MC or BX Cables | 3 Easy Options

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