Transparent brake drum - How brake mechanisms work

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Transparent brake drum - How brake mechanisms work

We cut the brake drum (now a transparent brake drum) so we could see the the hidden workings of the brakes. When the brake drum is dressed, it is impossible to see the parking brake cables moving, the brake pad and brake drum wear adjustment mechanism. Yes, you can remove the brake drum and see all this. But you can't really do that, because the brake cylinder pistons will go out of travel and the brake fluid will leak. and that's the end of the inspection and diagnosis. The transparent brake drum makes it easier and faster to diagnose many of the faults in all drum systems. It is especially good for those who deal with mono-branded brands when the same vehicles. We chose a Fiat Doblo, aka Opel Combo, a car available to us for this purpose. We bought an old brake drum and sawed it out using common tools. 🤝You can support the development of our channel by following the link: The money received from sponsorship will be used to purchase materials and spare parts for our research aimed at creating useful videos. For example: transparent parts, covers, purchasing units for complete disassembly to learn more interesting information. Also, it will be pleasant for us to drink delicious coffee during the video shooting process and have more motivation. Thank you all ❤ Website: Facebook: Instagram: Support us: #carrepair #mechanic #brake
15, 174   |   7 мес. назад  |   270 - 0

Transparent brake drum - How brake mechanisms work

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We cut the brake drum (now a transparent brake drum) so we could see the
the hidden workings of the brakes.
When the brake drum is dressed, it is impossible to see the parking brake cables moving, the brake pad and brake drum wear adjustment mechanism.
Yes, you can remove the brake drum and see all this. But you can't really do that, because the brake cylinder pistons will go out of travel and the brake fluid will leak. and that's the end of the inspection and diagnosis.
The transparent brake drum makes it easier and faster to diagnose many of the faults in all drum systems.
It is especially good for those who deal with mono-branded brands when the same vehicles.
We chose a Fiat Doblo, aka Opel Combo, a car available to us for this purpose.
We bought an old brake drum and sawed it out using common tools.

🤝You can support the development of our channel by following the link:

The money received from sponsorship will be used to purchase materials and spare parts for our research aimed at creating useful videos.
For example: transparent parts, covers, purchasing units for complete disassembly to learn more interesting information.
Also, it will be pleasant for us to drink delicious coffee during the video shooting process and have more motivation.
Thank you all ❤

Support us:

#carrepair #mechanic #brake

Transparent brake drum - How brake mechanisms work

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