Ontario winter storm: 24 inches of snow fell in Bracebridge, Ont. in last day and a half, mayor says

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Ontario winter storm: 24 inches of snow fell in Bracebridge, Ont. in last day and a half, mayor says

Bracebridge, Ont. Mayor Rick Maloney said on Saturday afternoon that approximately 24 inches of snow fell over the last day and a half in the region and that about 15,000 Hydro customers in Muskoka were left without power in the wake of the winter storm. Maloney says the town has declared a significant weather event and that it is unable to keep roads at provincial regulations. Maloney adds that he hasn’t “heard of any of any issues related to fire response or ambulance response,” and that it was “fairly easy to travel the main arteries,” but urged people to “stay in place, don’t participate in any unnecessary travel to the region.” For more info, please go to https://globalnews.ca/news/10895761/ontario-winter-snow-storm-november-2024/ Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/20fcXDc Like Global News on Facebook HERE: http://bit.ly/255GMJQ Follow Global News on X HERE: http://bit.ly/1Toz8mt Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: https://bit.ly/2QZaZIB #GlobalNews #snowstorm #ontario
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Ontario winter storm: 24 inches of snow fell in Bracebridge, Ont. in last day and a half, mayor says

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Bracebridge, Ont. Mayor Rick Maloney said on Saturday afternoon that approximately 24 inches of snow fell over the last day and a half in the region and that about 15,000 Hydro customers in Muskoka were left without power in the wake of the winter storm.

Maloney says the town has declared a significant weather event and that it is unable to keep roads at provincial regulations.

Maloney adds that he hasn’t “heard of any of any issues related to fire response or ambulance response,” and that it was “fairly easy to travel the main arteries,” but urged people to “stay in place, don’t participate in any unnecessary travel to the region.”

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Ontario winter storm: 24 inches of snow fell in Bracebridge, Ont. in last day and a half, mayor says

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