Skibidi Toilet Cameraman BEATBOX

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Skibidi Toilet Cameraman BEATBOX

Wanted to make a beatbox track for my bro @DaFuqBoom and his Skibidi Toilet series! I hope you guys enjoy it too! More videos coming soon! Much Love and Respect to you all! Please don't forget to subscribe! =D Amazing artwork by Lucia Fewords: Shop: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: TikTok: -------------------------------------------------------Lyrics----------------------------------------------------------- ' Yooo, it's Verbalase and I got another beatbox, And the titan tv man is gonna make ya rewatch, Skibidi dibidi getting shibidi diba destroyed, He tried to take the city with his Itty-bitty convoy, We're holding all the cards with the royal flush, You'll be holding all the scars with ya toys all crushed, You can try to cover yourself with some of our things, But the cameraman still gonna send you down the drain, You downgrade when you try to upgrade our upgrades, Just like a little bug we're gonna hit you with the raid, You'll be drowning when we hit you with another big sound wave, Frowning when we put you in another big round grave, Skibidi bop bop dum doma yes yes, But Ask anyone the cameraman are the best, You can, skibidi bop bop doma dee dee, It doesn't really matter when you feel the beat! '
495, 272   |   1 год. назад  |   10, 745 - 0

Skibidi Toilet Cameraman BEATBOX

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Wanted to make a beatbox track for my bro @DaFuqBoom and his Skibidi Toilet series! I hope you guys enjoy it too! More videos coming soon! Much Love and Respect to you all! Please don't forget to subscribe! =D

Amazing artwork by Lucia Fewords:







" Yooo, it's Verbalase and I got another beatbox,
And the titan tv man is gonna make ya rewatch,
Skibidi dibidi getting shibidi diba destroyed,
He tried to take the city with his Itty-bitty convoy,
We're holding all the cards with the royal flush,
You'll be holding all the scars with ya toys all crushed,
You can try to cover yourself with some of our things,
But the cameraman still gonna send you down the drain,

You downgrade when you try to upgrade our upgrades,
Just like a little bug we're gonna hit you with the raid,
You'll be drowning when we hit you with another big sound wave,
Frowning when we put you in another big round grave,

Skibidi bop bop dum doma yes yes,
But Ask anyone the cameraman are the best,
You can, skibidi bop bop doma dee dee,
It doesn't really matter when you feel the beat! "

Skibidi Toilet Cameraman BEATBOX

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