Easiest Way To Save On Your Heating Bill | Window Insulation Kit!

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Easiest Way To Save On Your Heating Bill | Window Insulation Kit!

Frost King 1-Pack (84'x 110') - https://geni.us/HTXM Frost King 3-Pack (42'x 62') - https://geni.us/9ruPe 70% Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol - https://geni.us/eJBhm This was a common Fall activity for most homeowners 20 years back but for some reason over the years this easy home maintenance task was forgotten and as such some homes are paying $100's more per year in heating bills than they need to be. This is a quick installation you can try this weekend and see the results on your next month's power bill. Free Home Maintenance Checklist: https://everydayhomerepairs.com/home-maintenance-checklist/ DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission.
107, 269   |   11 мес. назад  |   2, 681 - 0

Easiest Way To Save On Your Heating Bill | Window Insulation Kit!

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Frost King 1-Pack (84"x 110") -
Frost King 3-Pack (42"x 62") -
70% Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol -

This was a common Fall activity for most homeowners 20 years back but for some reason over the years this easy home maintenance task was forgotten and as such some homes are paying $100's more per year in heating bills than they need to be. This is a quick installation you can try this weekend and see the results on your next month's power bill.

Free Home Maintenance Checklist:

DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission.

Easiest Way To Save On Your Heating Bill | Window Insulation Kit!

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