Buick Cars 1960

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Buick Cars 1960

A band on risers begins performing with their silhouettes shown. A spotlight is on the harpist who is sitting in a chair below everyone else and we see the percussionist who is hitting some cymbals. Gradually light fills the whole space and the camera pans across all the musicians on the risers in their instrument sections as they continue to play. We then cut to black before displaying the car as the band continues to play. We circle the car as the announcer talks about the style of the new car. A flute, trumpet, and a hand drum are imposed on top of the image of the car as the announcer continues describing it. We see the inside of the car and the dashboard. We see the LeSabre, Invicta, Electra, and then the Turbine Drive Buick ‘60 is shown again.
11, 069   |   2 год. назад  |   340 - 0

Buick Cars 1960

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A band on risers begins performing with their silhouettes shown. A spotlight is on the harpist who is sitting in a chair below everyone else and we see the percussionist who is hitting some cymbals.

Gradually light fills the whole space and the camera pans across all the musicians on the risers in their instrument sections as they continue to play. We then cut to black before displaying the car as the band continues to play. We circle the car as the announcer talks about the style of the new car.

A flute, trumpet, and a hand drum are imposed on top of the image of the car as the announcer continues describing it. We see the inside of the car and the dashboard. We see the LeSabre, Invicta, Electra, and then the Turbine Drive Buick ‘60 is shown again.

Buick Cars 1960

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