The Sopranos--Man on the Stairs
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The Sopranos--Man on the Stairs
After Livia's wake, Tony hosts a gathering at his house. Janice hijacks the affair to play her mom's favorite song, and a mysterious man briefly appears on the stairs behind Tony and disappears just as quickly. From 'Proshai, Livushka,' Season 3, Episode 2 of HBO's 'The Sopranos.' #sopranos #hbomax
3, 788 | 9 мес. назад | 28 - 0
After Livia's wake, Tony hosts a gathering at his house. Janice hijacks the affair to play her mom's favorite song, and a mysterious man briefly appears on the stairs behind Tony and disappears just as quickly. From "Proshai, Livushka," Season 3, Episode 2 of HBO's "The Sopranos."
#sopranos #hbomax
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