SPOTLIGHT Series | Tales of Arise

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SPOTLIGHT Series | Tales of Arise

Get to know Tales of Arise - a tale of liberation and tyrrany, lost pain and memories. Wield the Blazing Sword and join a mysterious, untouchable girl to fight your oppressors. *Experience the story of the divided Renan and Dahnan people* The protagonists who will determine the fate of these two worlds are Alphen and Shionne. They will overcome hardships and grow together with their unique group of friends. Gorgeous animation by ufotable is inserted at key points in the story, adding more color to our protagonists’ journey. *Explore a world that feels alive* Explore the world of Dahna, where a mix of unique, natural environments change in appearance based on the time of day. Climb over the rocky terrain, swim in rivers, gather around the campfire, cook food, head to the next town, defeat the master of an alien planet, and liberate the people! *Stylish action and battles* Through the new system “Boost Strike”, you can now chain combos of powerful attacks together with your party members. Chain Artes, Boost Attacks, and Boost Strike combos to take down your enemies! *The large-scale expansion Beyond the Dawn is also available for Tales of Arise!* After the battle for the fate of two worlds, Alphen and his party meet a young girl named Nazamil, who is the daughter of a Renan Lord and a Dahnan. Will the six be able to change the fate of the girl who will eventually fall under the curse of the mask? Explore the world again with party members who are bounded together by a strong bond.
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SPOTLIGHT Series | Tales of Arise

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Get to know Tales of Arise - a tale of liberation and tyrrany, lost pain and memories. Wield the Blazing Sword and join a mysterious, untouchable girl to fight your oppressors.

*Experience the story of the divided Renan and Dahnan people*
The protagonists who will determine the fate of these two worlds are Alphen and Shionne. They will overcome hardships and grow together with their unique group of friends. Gorgeous animation by ufotable is inserted at key points in the story, adding more color to our protagonists’ journey.

*Explore a world that feels alive*
Explore the world of Dahna, where a mix of unique, natural environments change in appearance based on the time of day. Climb over the rocky terrain, swim in rivers, gather around the campfire, cook food, head to the next town, defeat the master of an alien planet, and liberate the people!

*Stylish action and battles*
Through the new system “Boost Strike”, you can now chain combos of powerful attacks together with your party members. Chain Artes, Boost Attacks, and Boost Strike combos to take down your enemies!

*The large-scale expansion Beyond the Dawn is also available for Tales of Arise!*
After the battle for the fate of two worlds, Alphen and his party meet a young girl named Nazamil, who is the daughter of a Renan Lord and a Dahnan. Will the six be able to change the fate of the girl who will eventually fall under the curse of the mask? Explore the world again with party members who are bounded together by a strong bond.

SPOTLIGHT Series | Tales of Arise

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