✈️Перед вылетом с авианосца.THE MOST DANGEROUS moments of the BBC, caught on camera
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✈️Перед вылетом с авианосца.THE MOST DANGEROUS moments of the BBC, caught on camera
Переговоры по рации пилотов перед вылетом. Nobody knows how this sortie will end. This is a cool show in the sky. The best pilots demonstrate air combat in the sky,#FunnyCats, We are not thieves, we just wanted to try. When you don't look at the road, but just sing.Please note - this is a work of fiction!
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Переговоры по рации пилотов перед вылетом. Nobody knows how this sortie will end. This is a cool show in the sky. The best pilots demonstrate air combat in the sky,#FunnyCats, We are not thieves, we just wanted to try. When you don't look at the road, but just sing.Please note - this is a work of fiction!
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