ПАУТИНКА НЕВИДИМКА #песенка про СЕТЬ ИНТЕРНЕТА #ТатьянаБокова #shorts #shortsongs
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ПАУТИНКА НЕВИДИМКА #песенка про СЕТЬ ИНТЕРНЕТА #ТатьянаБокова #shorts #shortsongs
6, 232 | 2 год. назад | 0 - 0
#shorts Either a spider web, or the Internet... A minute-long song clip will entertain, warn and give reason to think... It's great to live online, but the child should know that it's not safe.
Tatiana Bokova's CHILDREN'S PLANET today is:
An authoritative resource of a well-known children's writer, teacher-psychologist, expert on early development and preschool education to help parents and teachers. 👩 ABOUT THE AUTHOR👉:
✍️Don't forget to subscribe and click 🔔, our collection of useful 📺cartoons with support 📚 book editions and video courses is constantly being updated:
ONLINE BOOK STORE just based on the materials that children see in cartoons👉:
👌With us, any publication costs like 1 ☕️ coffee, and you get a whole library of 📚 first knowledge!
SETS OF VIDEO CLASSES are a quest journey in a learning environment, where instead of cramming, "homework" and strict teachers there is a cartoon cat Chipi, poems, songs, collecting prizes and commendations for success🔔
👇fast and easy👇convenient and most importantly👇effective👇
🏆LEARNING LETTERS with the cat Chipi:
🥇FUN ARITHMETIC with Chipi the cat:
📣NUMBERS AND COUNTING in poems and cartoons:
BY russian LETTER:
🎯#TatianaBokova Children's Planet is here: @detplaneta
👌 Fabulous atmosphere and strong knowledge are guaranteed!
#shortsvideo #shortsongs #shortsvideoyoutube #TatianaBokova #Детскаяпланета #полезныемультфильмы #песняпропаучка #паутинка #паутинканевидимка #песенкапроинтернет #детскиепесни #песенка #новыепеснидлядетей #песенкидлямалышей #каналдлямалышей #песняклипдлядетей #новыепесни2023 #паучок #песенкапросетьинтернета #пронасекомых #интернетдлядетей #сетьинтернета #песняпроинтернет #songsforchildrens #forkids #children'ssongs #funnysongs #أغاني #сancionesparaniños #liederfürKinder #lustigecartoons #chansonspourenfants #chansonsdrôles #chansonsdeshort #kidssongs #nurseryrhymes #russiankidssongs #子供向けの歌 #cancionesparaniños #兒童歌曲 #forkids #kidscartoon #multik #балдарүчүнмультфильмдер #балаларғаарналғанәндер #детскіпесні #songsforchildren #learnrussian #сурудҳоикӯдакон #песенкинаанглийском

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