Finding The Confidence Interval of a Population Proportion Using The Normal Distribution

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Finding The Confidence Interval of a Population Proportion Using The Normal Distribution

This statistics video tutorial explains how to find the confidence interval of a population proportion using the normal distribution. It also explains how to calculate the margin of error also known as the error bound for the true proportion. it discusses how to calculate the sample size using the margin of error and the z-score. It mentions how to calculate the sample proportion and error from a given confidence interval. Introduction to Statistics: Introduction to Probability: Central Limit Theorem: Standard Error of The Mean: _____________________________________ Confidence Intervals & Margin of Error: Find The Z-Score Given Confidence Interval: How To Calculate The Sample Size: Student's T-Distribution: Confidence Interval-Population Proportion: Chebyshev's Theorem: _____________________________________ Hypothesis Testing - Null & Alternative: Type I and Type II Errors: One Tailed and Two Tailed Tests: Test Static For Means & Pop Proportions: Hypothesis Testing Problems: ____________________________________ Final Exams and Video Playlists: Full-Length Videos and Worksheets:
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Finding The Confidence Interval of a Population Proportion Using The Normal Distribution

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This statistics video tutorial explains how to find the confidence interval of a population proportion using the normal distribution. It also explains how to calculate the margin of error also known as the error bound for the true proportion. it discusses how to calculate the sample size using the margin of error and the z-score. It mentions how to calculate the sample proportion and error from a given confidence interval.

Introduction to Statistics:

Introduction to Probability:

Central Limit Theorem:

Standard Error of The Mean:

Confidence Intervals & Margin of Error:

Find The Z-Score Given Confidence Interval:

How To Calculate The Sample Size:

Student's T-Distribution:

Confidence Interval-Population Proportion:

Chebyshev's Theorem:

Hypothesis Testing - Null & Alternative:

Type I and Type II Errors:

One Tailed and Two Tailed Tests:

Test Static For Means & Pop Proportions:

Hypothesis Testing Problems:

Final Exams and Video Playlists:

Full-Length Videos and Worksheets:

Finding The Confidence Interval of a Population Proportion Using The Normal Distribution

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