My Dog Beau
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My Dog Beau
21, 511, 915 | 3 год. назад | 329, 800 - 0
I Love Him
Buy our new card game, Hoard the Hams!
Humane Society:
The Team!
Production / Project Manager: Nate
StoryBoard artist, Animator: Annie
Animator: Michazike
Animator: Corbin Bowman ‘TokukuDude’
Animator: YellowAngiru
Animator: Charlie Bickett ‘Megacharlie’
Animator: Allen
BG artist: Sam
BG artist: Marrow Maniac
BG artist: Haricz
Story Boarder: J
Special Thanks to My friend Andrew for drawing that hyper realistic Bryson:
Social Media:
Tablet- Huion Kamvas GT-221
Programs- Adobe animate CC, Adobe Premiere Pro
Mic- Audio Technica AT 2020
Music: Lots of Nintendo Music :D
Thank You:
Thanks for all the support guys! This Is a dream come true that you make possible!
Wow, you read all of this? You are dedicated my friend, I bless you with the stench of one Beau fart
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