Olga Mikutina: a figure skating sensation from Austria ⛸ | Athletes to Watch

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Olga Mikutina: a figure skating sensation from Austria ⛸ | Athletes to Watch

📲 Subscribe to @olympics: http://oly.ch/Subscribe Born in the Ukraine, Olga Mikutina could not find the coach she needed to fulfil her dream of becoming an Olympic figure skater. Eventually a meeting with renowned trainer Elena Romanova proved successful. Olga moved to Austria at 12-years-old. Without any knowledge of German, Olga slowly began to adapt to her new life. Her success continued as she won the Austria National Championship before an surprise 8th place at the World Championships in 2021. This amazing result put her in the spotlight as a rising star for Beijing 2022. Meet some of the top athletes to watch out for at this year’s Olympic Winter Games. A behind the scenes look at their preparations and their background stories: https://oly.ch/AtW_EN _____________________________________________________ 🇨🇳 #Beijing2022 replays: https://oly.ch/B22Replays 🇯🇵 #Tokyo2020 replays: https://oly.ch/T20Replays 🗞️ News from the Olympic world: https://oly.ch/News
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Olga Mikutina: a figure skating sensation from Austria ⛸ | Athletes to Watch

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Born in the Ukraine, Olga Mikutina could not find the coach she needed to fulfil her dream of becoming an Olympic figure skater. Eventually a meeting with renowned trainer Elena Romanova proved successful. Olga moved to Austria at 12-years-old. Without any knowledge of German, Olga slowly began to adapt to her new life. Her success continued as she won the Austria National Championship before an surprise 8th place at the World Championships in 2021. This amazing result put her in the spotlight as a rising star for Beijing 2022.

Meet some of the top athletes to watch out for at this year’s Olympic Winter Games. A behind the scenes look at their preparations and their background stories:
🇨🇳 #Beijing2022 replays:
🇯🇵 #Tokyo2020 replays:
🗞️ News from the Olympic world:

Olga Mikutina: a figure skating sensation from Austria ⛸ | Athletes to Watch

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