Do This Before Your PS5 Starts Crashing

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Do This Before Your PS5 Starts Crashing

If your PS5 shuts off randomly by itself or turns off when playing PS5 games without warning then check this right now.. Here's a fix you can try! It could be that your PlayStation 5 power supply is over heating from dust build up. This is why you should clean your PS5 regularly to prevent this from happening.. Also, here's some settings you NEED to change now that can prevent your PS5 from turning itself off randomly. Get the power battery backup I recommend from Amazon using the link below.. I may earn from qualifying purchases. APC Battery Backup - affiliate link Thanks for watching! for MORE tips, tricks, & help guides for PS5 or PlayStation consoles remember to leave a 'LIKE' rating & SUBSCRIBE!
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Do This Before Your PS5 Starts Crashing

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If your PS5 shuts off randomly by itself or turns off when playing PS5 games without warning then check this right now.. Here's a fix you can try! It could be that your PlayStation 5 power supply is over heating from dust build up. This is why you should clean your PS5 regularly to prevent this from happening.. Also, here's some settings you NEED to change now that can prevent your PS5 from turning itself off randomly.

Get the power battery backup I recommend from Amazon using the link below.. I may earn from qualifying purchases.

APC Battery Backup - affiliate link

Thanks for watching! for MORE tips, tricks, & help guides for PS5 or PlayStation consoles remember to leave a "LIKE" rating & SUBSCRIBE!

Do This Before Your PS5 Starts Crashing

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