Putin returns for better or worse

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Putin returns for better or worse

Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will soon return to the Kremlin for his third Presidential term - made official this week, after he secured a first round election win. But despite finishing way ahead of the other candidates, there's a growing feeling that serious challenges lay ahead for the country's future leader. RT's Alexey Yaroshevsky reports. Opposition rallies had taken place in the weeks leading up to the vote, and even after the presidential election outcome thousands took to the streets. But the number of those protesting is dwindling, and the nature of the demonstrations is changing too. RT's Irina Galushko examines what's caused the shift in the protest movement. RT on Twitter RT on Facebook
28   |   13 год. назад  |   0 - 0

Putin returns for better or worse

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Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will soon return to the Kremlin for his third Presidential term - made official this week, after he secured a first round election win. But despite finishing way ahead of the other candidates, there's a growing feeling that serious challenges lay ahead for the country's future leader. RT's Alexey Yaroshevsky reports.
Opposition rallies had taken place in the weeks leading up to the vote, and even after the presidential election outcome thousands took to the streets. But the number of those protesting is dwindling, and the nature of the demonstrations is changing too. RT's Irina Galushko examines what's caused the shift in the protest movement.

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Putin returns for better or worse

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