Liquidity Ratios - Current Ratio and Quick Ratio (Acid Test Ratio)

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Liquidity Ratios - Current Ratio and Quick Ratio (Acid Test Ratio)

This finance video tutorial provides a basic introduction into two liquidity ratios - the current ratio and the quick ratio also known as the acid test ratio. The current ratio is equal to the current assets divided by the current liabilities. A current ratio that is greater than 1 means that the current assets are greater in value than the current liabilities. The quick ratio is equal to a company's liquid assets divided by its current liabilities. Stock Trading For Beginners: Return on Investment: The Dividend Yield: Dividends - Payout Ratio Vs Retention Ratio: Market Capitalization: Price to Earnings (P/E) Ratio and Earnings Per Share (EPS): ___________________________________ PEG Ratio Vs Price To Earnings Ratio: Trailing PE Vs Forward PE Ratio: Price to Sales (P/S) Ratio: Price to Book (P/B) Ratio: Currency Exchange Rate: Profit Margin & Operating Margin: _____________________________________ Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE): Debt to Equity Ratio: Assets, Liabilities, & Equity: The Short Ratio: ____________________________ Math and Science Videos:
507, 689   |   5 год. назад  |   6, 229 - 0

Liquidity Ratios - Current Ratio and Quick Ratio (Acid Test Ratio)

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This finance video tutorial provides a basic introduction into two liquidity ratios - the current ratio and the quick ratio also known as the acid test ratio. The current ratio is equal to the current assets divided by the current liabilities. A current ratio that is greater than 1 means that the current assets are greater in value than the current liabilities. The quick ratio is equal to a company's liquid assets divided by its current liabilities.

Stock Trading For Beginners:

Return on Investment:

The Dividend Yield:

Dividends - Payout Ratio Vs Retention Ratio:

Market Capitalization:

Price to Earnings (P/E) Ratio and Earnings Per Share (EPS):

PEG Ratio Vs Price To Earnings Ratio:

Trailing PE Vs Forward PE Ratio:

Price to Sales (P/S) Ratio:

Price to Book (P/B) Ratio:

Currency Exchange Rate:

Profit Margin & Operating Margin:

Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE):

Debt to Equity Ratio:

Assets, Liabilities, & Equity:

The Short Ratio:

Math and Science Videos:

Liquidity Ratios - Current Ratio and Quick Ratio (Acid Test Ratio)

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