finding out I'M PREGNANT! + Our Emotional Gender Reveal! ❤️❤️

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finding out I'M PREGNANT! + Our Emotional Gender Reveal! ❤️❤️

Thank you for watching this special video! Please preserve the surprise for those watching by not making any spoiler comments 🙏 We’re so honored to have you along for so many of our big life moments! We are sharing it all today as we find out we are pregnant (at 41 years old), and tell our family members and get creative with a creative Rug Cuddle gender reveal… since last time we wore painting suits 😂 Get ready to laugh cry and have fun! Stay tuned for 2025, and make sure you're subscribed because we have some fun stuff in the works 🫶 This episode wouldn't have been possible without the help of these creative geniuses: V Robitaille (Editor) Rebecca Teresia (Producer/Cam Op) Taylor Renee (Cam Op) Irina Titova (Cam Op/Art) Mateo Cruz (PA) Audio Tracks: Epidemic Sound:
393, 712   |   6 дн назад  |   25, 463 - 0

finding out I'M PREGNANT! + Our Emotional Gender Reveal! ❤️❤️

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Thank you for watching this special video! Please preserve the surprise for those watching by not making any spoiler comments 🙏 We’re so honored to have you along for so many of our big life moments!

We are sharing it all today as we find out we are pregnant (at 41 years old), and tell our family members and get creative with a creative Rug Cuddle gender reveal… since last time we wore painting suits 😂 Get ready to laugh cry and have fun!

Stay tuned for 2025, and make sure you're subscribed because we have some fun stuff in the works 🫶

This episode wouldn't have been possible without the help of these creative geniuses:
V Robitaille (Editor)
Rebecca Teresia (Producer/Cam Op)
Taylor Renee (Cam Op)
Irina Titova (Cam Op/Art)
Mateo Cruz (PA)
Audio Tracks: Epidemic Sound:

finding out I'M PREGNANT! + Our Emotional Gender Reveal! ❤️❤️

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