I Built a SECRET Zoo!
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I Built a SECRET Zoo!
I Built a SECRET Zoo! Watch Topper Guild build a secret room with his best friend Zhong to hide from his girlfriend. They will have a bunch of animals like a Zebra, Giraffe, Monkey, Goat, and so many more! Topper’s friend Shutters will distract Topper’s girlfriend Annie for the day by bringing her to Disneyland… Watch til the end to see if she will find the secret zoo! 🔥 FOLLOW ME 🔥 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/topperguild/?hl=en TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@topperguild?lang=en Snapchat: https://www.snapchat.com/add/topperg1
10, 589, 510 | 5 мес. назад | 106, 482 - 0
I Built a SECRET Zoo! Watch Topper Guild build a secret room with his best friend Zhong to hide from his girlfriend. They will have a bunch of animals like a Zebra, Giraffe, Monkey, Goat, and so many more! Topper’s friend Shutters will distract Topper’s girlfriend Annie for the day by bringing her to Disneyland… Watch til the end to see if she will find the secret zoo!
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