The News Is Breaking WORLDWIDE But Why Is No One Talking About This?

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The News Is Breaking WORLDWIDE But Why Is No One Talking About This?

Many of us will be shocked with recent Christian and secular news. The revelations concerning Steve Lawson and the shocking news concerning diddy in the entertainment world. This video points out something very important that we are all missing. 📚Grace For Purpose Prayer Book now available on Amazon: A Christian motivational video that aims to leave you blessed, inspired and encouraged as well as strengthening your prayer life and daily walk with God. As you listen to this daily devotional video may Jesus Christ light up your life! ►An original video created by Grace for Purpose and delivered by our team speakers. Our faith based content aims to bring biblical teachings to life! Our team aims to produce content that is focused on the scriptures, encouraging prayers, and insightful teachings For any enquiries, contact us:
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The News Is Breaking WORLDWIDE But Why Is No One Talking About This?

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Many of us will be shocked with recent Christian and secular news. The revelations concerning Steve Lawson and the shocking news concerning diddy in the entertainment world. This video points out something very important that we are all missing.

📚Grace For Purpose Prayer Book now available on Amazon:

A Christian motivational video that aims to leave you blessed, inspired and encouraged as well as strengthening your prayer life and daily walk with God. As you listen to this daily devotional video may Jesus Christ light up your life!

►An original video created by Grace for Purpose and delivered by our team speakers. Our faith based content aims to bring biblical teachings to life! Our team aims to produce content that is focused on the scriptures, encouraging prayers, and insightful teachings

For any enquiries, contact us:

The News Is Breaking WORLDWIDE But Why Is No One Talking About This?

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