LEGEND of the ANATOKA! Scary Urban Legends with Aubrey **BEWARE**

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LEGEND of the ANATOKA! Scary Urban Legends with Aubrey **BEWARE**

LEGEND of the ANATOKA! Scary Urban Legends with Aubrey **BEWARE** Subscribe to see more videos! (Fun and Crazy Kids) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkWAs7_9dVYbiicWpP_hMkg?sub_confirmation=1* **This video might be a little scary for our younger viewers. Have you ever heard of the legend of the anatoka? He is a werewolf with WINGS!! That means he can run fast, fly and will get anything that gets in his way! Aubrey decides to go out on a investigation ALONE to search for the anatoka! She finds some pretty scary and creepy things, but will she find the beast!! Hopefully it's just a scary story! What do you guys think? Fun and Crazy Family: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpLawaJBP7xQV3pzDDWzJYw?sub_confirmation=1* We have Fun and crazy Kids Merch! https://teespring.com/stores/fun-and-crazy-kids-store Watch this next: We SAW a DEER LADY in the WOODS?! The LEGEND of the DEER WOMAN 😵 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJ5qTvgp2dE&t=327s You can mail me here: Fun and Crazy Kids PO Box 1959 Sand Springs, OK 74063 Follow Me On Instagram: funandcrazykids Follow Me on TikTok: aubrey.swigart https://www.facebook.com/FunAndCrazyKids/ For Business Inquiries: funandcrazykids@gmail.com
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LEGEND of the ANATOKA! Scary Urban Legends with Aubrey **BEWARE**

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LEGEND of the ANATOKA! Scary Urban Legends with Aubrey **BEWARE**

Subscribe to see more videos! (Fun and Crazy Kids) *

**This video might be a little scary for our younger viewers.

Have you ever heard of the legend of the anatoka? He is a werewolf with WINGS!! That means he can run fast, fly and will get anything that gets in his way! Aubrey decides to go out on a investigation ALONE to search for the anatoka! She finds some pretty scary and creepy things, but will she find the beast!! Hopefully it's just a scary story! What do you guys think?

Fun and Crazy Family: *

We have Fun and crazy Kids Merch!

Watch this next: We SAW a DEER LADY in the WOODS?! The LEGEND of the DEER WOMAN 😵

You can mail me here:
Fun and Crazy Kids
PO Box 1959
Sand Springs, OK 74063

Follow Me On Instagram: funandcrazykids
Follow Me on TikTok: aubrey.swigart

For Business Inquiries: funandcrazykids@gmail.com

LEGEND of the ANATOKA! Scary Urban Legends with Aubrey **BEWARE**

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