Learn 9 ways to use ‘JUST’ in English

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Learn 9 ways to use ‘JUST’ in English

Have you noticed how that little word ‘just’ seems to mean different things in different sentences? Well, this vocabulary lesson is JUST what you need to get a clearer picture of the different ways the word can be used. You’ll be JUST amazed at the number of different meanings! And to test out your knowledge after you’ve watched the video, JUST head over to www.engvid.com and take the quiz. JUST the ticket! https://www.engvid.com/learn-9-ways-to-use-just-in-english/ Are you ready for more English vocabulary? Try these lessons next! 10 ways to use the verb KEEP in English https://youtu.be/blM5T5y5o2c 5 ways to use SHOULD in English https://youtu.be/FdPSF0_n0uI In this lesson: 00:00 – The Many Uses of 'JUST' in English – 00:46 just = recently 01:29 just = immediately 02:07 just = close to the time 02:53 just = only 03:27 just = exactly 04:02 just = honest 04:26 unjust 05:22 just in time 05:41 just the ticket 06:11 just what the doctor ordered 07:17 – Conclusion –
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Learn 9 ways to use ‘JUST’ in English

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Have you noticed how that little word ‘just’ seems to mean different things in different sentences? Well, this vocabulary lesson is JUST what you need to get a clearer picture of the different ways the word can be used. You’ll be JUST amazed at the number of different meanings! And to test out your knowledge after you’ve watched the video, JUST head over to www.engvid.com and take the quiz. JUST the ticket!

Are you ready for more English vocabulary? Try these lessons next!
10 ways to use the verb KEEP in English
5 ways to use SHOULD in English

In this lesson:
00:00 – The Many Uses of "JUST" in English –
00:46 just = recently
01:29 just = immediately
02:07 just = close to the time
02:53 just = only
03:27 just = exactly
04:02 just = honest
04:26 unjust
05:22 just in time
05:41 just the ticket
06:11 just what the doctor ordered
07:17 – Conclusion –

Learn 9 ways to use ‘JUST’ in English

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