Famous Quotations from Charles Dickens

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Famous Quotations from Charles Dickens

I’m going to share with you some quotations from the famous English novelist, Charles Dickens (1812–1870). I hope you find the quotations thought-provoking, and perhaps you’ll feel inspired to read one of his novels, or watch one of the many film versions of his stories. I will read and discuss quotations from _Great Expectations,_ _The Old Curiosity Shop,_ _Hard Times,_ _David Copperfield,_ and _Barnaby Rudge._ https://www.engvid.com/famous-quotations-from-charles-dickens/ Next, learn more about old (and new) British currency in my video: https://youtu.be/OcKqzB9pxQw Or watch my lesson about 6 famous quotations from Shakespeare! https://youtu.be/vlpq241xQTw In this lesson: 0:00 Who was Charles Dickens? 2:12 Quote from 'Great Expectations' 3:35 Quote from 'The Old Curiosity Shop' 6:50 Quote from 'Hard Times' 8:19 Quote from 'David Copperfield' 14:16 Quote from 'Barnaby Rudge'
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Famous Quotations from Charles Dickens

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I’m going to share with you some quotations from the famous English novelist, Charles Dickens (1812–1870). I hope you find the quotations thought-provoking, and perhaps you’ll feel inspired to read one of his novels, or watch one of the many film versions of his stories. I will read and discuss quotations from _Great Expectations,_ _The Old Curiosity Shop,_ _Hard Times,_ _David Copperfield,_ and _Barnaby Rudge._

Next, learn more about old (and new) British currency in my video:
Or watch my lesson about 6 famous quotations from Shakespeare!

In this lesson:
0:00 Who was Charles Dickens?
2:12 Quote from "Great Expectations"
3:35 Quote from "The Old Curiosity Shop"
6:50 Quote from "Hard Times"
8:19 Quote from "David Copperfield"
14:16 Quote from "Barnaby Rudge"

Famous Quotations from Charles Dickens

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