Reinventing the wheel
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Reinventing the wheel
Bloodhound LSR needs a unique set of wheels to handle the extreme speeds the the car will be traveling at. Engineering Director Mark Chapman explains how they were designed and developed to withstand a hammering on the Kalahari Desert. --------- We’d love to hear from you! Please let us know what you think or any questions you’d like answering in the comments section below. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel to never miss any of our exclusive videos about Bloodhound LSR:
210, 570 | 5 год. назад | 3, 821 - 0
Bloodhound LSR needs a unique set of wheels to handle the extreme speeds the the car will be traveling at. Engineering Director Mark Chapman explains how they were designed and developed to withstand a hammering on the Kalahari Desert. ---------
We’d love to hear from you! Please let us know what you think or any questions you’d like answering in the comments section below.
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