Complete DIY Garage Epoxy Floor Coating Installation | Testing Most Popular Kits

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Complete DIY Garage Epoxy Floor Coating Installation | Testing Most Popular Kits

Rust-Oleum Epoxy Shield Kit - Rust-Oleum Rock Solid Kit - Epoxy Patch Kit - Clear Finish Top Coat - Anti Skid Powder - Diamond Cup Wheel and Dust Shroud - Diamond Blade for Cracks - I will walk you through the complete installation process of the Rustoleum Garage Floor Epoxy Shield kit and also the Rock Solid kit. I will compare and contrast both products and also show some testing to see if one can handle more abuse than the other. This video will give you the information you need to confidently select the right product and get the results you are looking for to update your garage. Repairing Large Concrete Floor Cracks (Pro Tips) - Chapter 0:00 Intro 1:13 Moisture Testing Your Concrete 1:54 Removing Everything, Scraping, and Cleaning Concrete Floor 2:33 How To Degrease and Clean a Concrete Floor 4:31 How To Acid Etch a Concrete Floor 6:45 How Long Does It Take To Epoxy Coat Your Garage 8:17 Patching Concrete Cracks and Chips 10:00 How To Use Rust-Oleum Concrete Patch and Repair Kit 11:11 How To Grind A Concrete Floor Smooth 13:00 How Long Does The Floor Need To Dry 14:14 How Long Does A Rust-Oleum Epoxy Concrete Floor Coating Last 16:07 Applying Rust-Oleum Epoxy Shield Floor Coating 19:30 Applying Rust-Oleum Rock Solid Epoxy Floor Coating 21:31 Is Rust-Oleum Rock Solid Actually Better Than Epoxy Shield 22:55 Testing Rust-Oleum Epoxy Floor - Sliding Appliances 23:35 Testing Rust-Oleum Epoxy Floor - Hot Truck Tires 25:00 What Can You Do To Improve Garage Epoxy Floor Life Free Home Maintenance Checklist: DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission.
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Complete DIY Garage Epoxy Floor Coating Installation | Testing Most Popular Kits

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Rust-Oleum Epoxy Shield Kit -
Rust-Oleum Rock Solid Kit -
Epoxy Patch Kit -
Clear Finish Top Coat -
Anti Skid Powder -
Diamond Cup Wheel and Dust Shroud -
Diamond Blade for Cracks -

I will walk you through the complete installation process of the Rustoleum Garage Floor Epoxy Shield kit and also the Rock Solid kit. I will compare and contrast both products and also show some testing to see if one can handle more abuse than the other. This video will give you the information you need to confidently select the right product and get the results you are looking for to update your garage.

Repairing Large Concrete Floor Cracks (Pro Tips) -

0:00 Intro
1:13 Moisture Testing Your Concrete
1:54 Removing Everything, Scraping, and Cleaning Concrete Floor
2:33 How To Degrease and Clean a Concrete Floor
4:31 How To Acid Etch a Concrete Floor
6:45 How Long Does It Take To Epoxy Coat Your Garage
8:17 Patching Concrete Cracks and Chips
10:00 How To Use Rust-Oleum Concrete Patch and Repair Kit
11:11 How To Grind A Concrete Floor Smooth
13:00 How Long Does The Floor Need To Dry
14:14 How Long Does A Rust-Oleum Epoxy Concrete Floor Coating Last
16:07 Applying Rust-Oleum Epoxy Shield Floor Coating
19:30 Applying Rust-Oleum Rock Solid Epoxy Floor Coating
21:31 Is Rust-Oleum Rock Solid Actually Better Than Epoxy Shield
22:55 Testing Rust-Oleum Epoxy Floor - Sliding Appliances
23:35 Testing Rust-Oleum Epoxy Floor - Hot Truck Tires
25:00 What Can You Do To Improve Garage Epoxy Floor Life

Free Home Maintenance Checklist:

DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission.

Complete DIY Garage Epoxy Floor Coating Installation | Testing Most Popular Kits

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