YES, NO, MAYBE my Goodwill shopping finds!
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YES, NO, MAYBE my Goodwill shopping finds!
I shop at Goodwill for almost ALL of our interior design projects and a TON of our stuff at home is thrifted too! My favorite items to thrift shop in the decorating and housewares section: - frames - baskets - records - glassware - ornate silverware - pottery and plates - vases and interesting glass vessels #thrift #thrifted #yesorno #decorfinds #budget #interiordesign
34, 242 | 3 мес. назад | 1, 391 - 0
I shop at Goodwill for almost ALL of our interior design projects and a TON of our stuff at home is thrifted too! My favorite items to thrift shop in the decorating and housewares section: - frames - baskets - records - glassware - ornate silverware - pottery and plates - vases and interesting glass vessels #thrift #thrifted #yesorno #decorfinds #budget #interiordesign
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