Дима Билан - Not That Simple

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Дима Билан - Not That Simple

Dima Bilan - Not That Simple Director Gosha Toidze, the Operator - Evgeniy Ermolenko The clip was made in Moscow in 2005. The song was included in the album Na beregu neba (On the shore of the sky) You should've written me a letter Instead of saying what you say It could've turned out so much better And now your words play inside my head I thought that I was nothing mean By setting you free It seems the memories are dead And now I'm out of my head It's not how I planned it You should be loving me You should be holding me Why do you choose To turn yourself loose Every word, means to me Yet you try desperately Turning away Baby, it's not that simple For all the nights I lie here waiting Morning finds me by myself All you can say that I'm creating My own sad match, my own hell For all the loneliness I feel I still want you here with me When all the screaming is through I've always been left with you It's not how I planned it You should be loving me You should be holding me Why do you choose To turn yourself loose Every word, means to me Yet you try desperately Turning away Baby, it's not that simple
99, 882   |   15 год. назад  |   900 - 0

Дима Билан - Not That Simple

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Dima Bilan - Not That Simple

Director Gosha Toidze, the Operator - Evgeniy Ermolenko
The clip was made in Moscow in 2005.
The song was included in the album Na beregu neba (On the shore of the sky)

You should've written me a letter
Instead of saying what you say
It could've turned out so much better
And now your words play inside my head
I thought that I was nothing mean
By setting you free
It seems the memories are dead
And now I'm out of my head
It's not how I planned it

You should be loving me
You should be holding me
Why do you choose
To turn yourself loose
Every word, means to me
Yet you try desperately
Turning away
Baby, it's not that simple

For all the nights I lie here waiting
Morning finds me by myself
All you can say that I'm creating
My own sad match, my own hell
For all the loneliness I feel
I still want you here with me
When all the screaming is through
I've always been left with you
It's not how I planned it

You should be loving me
You should be holding me
Why do you choose
To turn yourself loose
Every word, means to me
Yet you try desperately
Turning away
Baby, it's not that simple

Дима Билан - Not That Simple

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