Building BLOODHOUND SSC - in 90 seconds
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Building BLOODHOUND SSC - in 90 seconds
Cisco BLOODHOUND TV takes you on a tour of the workshop to see the Build Team in action. Technicians from the Royal Air Force's 71 Squadron and the Army's Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers are working along side BLOODHOUND's motorsport and aerospace mechanics, assembling the most powerful land vehicle in history. Find out more at
83, 385 | 10 год. назад | 332 - 0
Cisco BLOODHOUND TV takes you on a tour of the workshop to see the Build Team in action. Technicians from the Royal Air Force's 71 Squadron and the Army's Royal Electrical & Mechanical Engineers are working along side BLOODHOUND's motorsport and aerospace mechanics, assembling the most powerful land vehicle in history. Find out more at
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