Flight to the Future with Noel Neill 1952

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Flight to the Future with Noel Neill 1952

'Promotional film for the pioneering American plastics company that surveys the contribution of plastics to everyday life. Flight to the future in the World of Plastics is structured as a discussion on a transcontinental flight, during which three plastics experts (a manufacturer, an engineer, and a designer) tell the flight attendant about their industry. Over the course of the film, a multitude of plastics products are shown'. - Noel Neill, Robert Lowery, George Wallace, Helen Winston, John Eldredge, Charles Evans, Tom Wilde, Lyle Talbot. - Photography, Sam Leavitt; aerial photography, William Clothier; sound, Earl Crain, Sr., Roger H. White; art director, Dan Hall; color director, James Sullivan; editors, Lawrence F. Sherman, Jr., Ray Sandeford; original musical score composer and director, Morris Mamorsky; script and production supervision, J.M. Mathes, Inc.
134, 568   |   2 год. назад  |   1, 770 - 0

Flight to the Future with Noel Neill 1952

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"Promotional film for the pioneering American plastics company that surveys the contribution of plastics to everyday life. Flight to the future in the World of Plastics is structured as a discussion on a transcontinental flight, during which three plastics experts (a manufacturer, an engineer, and a designer) tell the flight attendant about their industry. Over the course of the film, a multitude of plastics products are shown".

- Noel Neill, Robert Lowery, George Wallace, Helen Winston, John Eldredge, Charles Evans, Tom Wilde, Lyle Talbot.

- Photography, Sam Leavitt; aerial photography, William Clothier; sound, Earl Crain, Sr., Roger H. White; art director, Dan Hall; color director, James Sullivan; editors, Lawrence F. Sherman, Jr., Ray Sandeford; original musical score composer and director, Morris Mamorsky; script and production supervision, J.M. Mathes, Inc.

Flight to the Future with Noel Neill 1952

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