Wakeskating the Eighth Wonder of the World w/ Brian Grubb
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Wakeskating the Eighth Wonder of the World w/ Brian Grubb
1, 584, 866 | 11 год. назад | 8, 587 - 0
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Respect for the environment was a priority from the beginning of this project! The team has assured that the plants and wildlife have neither been damaged nor disturbed at any time during the project. All agreements have been made together with the locals and under respect of their traditions and culture.
Professional wakeskaters Brian Grubb (USA) and Dominik Preisner (GER) travelled to the Philippines to have an epic winch session at one of the most beautiful spots in the world. The famous rice terraces of Banaue are considered to be the Eighth Wonder of the World and were surely the perfect playground for an unique wakeskate session!
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