Elf on the Shelf SAVES Christmas From the Stinky Grinch
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Elf on the Shelf SAVES Christmas From the Stinky Grinch
MAGIC PLAY TIME! Will Elf on the Shelf be able to save Kate & Lilly's Christmas? Or will that mean old Grinch ruin everything? Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/@twinstoys?sub_confirmation=1 Vlog Channel: https://www.youtube.com/twinfamilyfun... Princess Lollipop: https://www.youtube.com/princesslollipop Ducky Dog: https://www.youtube.com/duckydog
5, 732 | 23 час. назад | 30 - 0
MAGIC PLAY TIME! Will Elf on the Shelf be able to save Kate & Lilly's Christmas? Or will that mean old Grinch ruin everything?
Vlog Channel: ...
Princess Lollipop:
Ducky Dog:
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