King George VI presents medals to R.A.F. servicemen (1939)

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King George VI presents medals to R.A.F. servicemen (1939)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit King George VI presents medals to Royal Air Force pilots and other servicemen Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: The King Decorates R.A.F. Heroes ENGLAND: EXT AEROPLANES, R.A.F. & Naval planes, but Not Seaplanes or Flying-boats R.A.F. Heroes, Sqdn Ldr Barwell, F/o K. Doran, F/o A. McPherson, F/o Thurston Smith, F/o/ John Barrett, Sergeant Willits, planes plastered with bullets, Sir C. Newall also present BARRETT, Flying Officer John Presented with Medal by King BARWELL, Sqdn Ldr Presented with Medal by King DORAN, Flying officer K Presented by King with Medal McPHERSON, Flying Officer King presents him with Medal NEWALL, Sir Cyril w. King when he presents R.A.F.Heroes with Medals. THURSTON-SMITH, Flying Officer presented with medal by King rescue of ships crew & marriage to Miss Barbara Cook at Isleworth WILLITS, Sergeant Presented with Medal by King Airforce - Ceremonial; George VI of Great Britain; Royalty; Royal Air Force WWII, World War Two, World War II, Second World War, war, Allied, Allies, award, ceremony, Prince Albert of York, Prince Albert of Wales, Prince Albert, The Duke of York Background: King George VI presents medals to Royal Air Force pilots and other servicemen FILM ID: VLVAAXP880LKHFEG3FM64TD8AFVTQ To license this film, visit Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
411   |   4 год. назад  |   6 - 0

King George VI presents medals to R.A.F. servicemen (1939)

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King George VI presents medals to Royal Air Force pilots and other servicemen

Full Description:

SLATE INFORMATION: The King Decorates R.A.F. Heroes


AEROPLANES, R.A.F. & Naval planes, but Not Seaplanes or Flying-boats R.A.F. Heroes, Sqdn Ldr Barwell, F/o K. Doran, F/o A. McPherson, F/o Thurston Smith, F/o/ John Barrett, Sergeant Willits, planes plastered with bullets, Sir C. Newall also present

BARRETT, Flying Officer John Presented with Medal by King

BARWELL, Sqdn Ldr Presented with Medal by King

DORAN, Flying officer K Presented by King with Medal

McPHERSON, Flying Officer King presents him with Medal

NEWALL, Sir Cyril w. King when he presents R.A.F.Heroes with Medals.

THURSTON-SMITH, Flying Officer presented with medal by King rescue of ships crew & marriage to Miss Barbara Cook at Isleworth

WILLITS, Sergeant Presented with Medal by King

Airforce - Ceremonial; George VI of Great Britain; Royalty; Royal Air Force

WWII, World War Two, World War II, Second World War, war, Allied, Allies, award, ceremony, Prince Albert of York, Prince Albert of Wales, Prince Albert, The Duke of York
Background: King George VI presents medals to Royal Air Force pilots and other servicemen

To license this film, visit

Archive: Reuters
Archive managed by: British Pathé

King George VI presents medals to R.A.F. servicemen (1939)

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