Power Dissipation In Resistors, Diodes, and LEDs
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Power Dissipation In Resistors, Diodes, and LEDs
207, 975 | 5 год. назад | 2, 207 - 0
This electronics video tutorial explains how to calculate the power dissipation in resistors, diodes, and LEDs or light emitting diodes. The power dissipated in a diode is equal to the voltage across it multiplied by the electric current flowing through it.
What Is a Diode?
Full-Wave Bridge Rectifiers:
Voltage Multiplier Circuit:
Light Emitting Diodes:
Power Dissipation In LEDs & Diodes:
LED Resistor Value:
Potentiometers - Variable Resistance:
LED Dimmer Circuit:
Thermistors - Temperature Sensors:
Zener Diodes:
Voltage Regulators - Zener Diodes:
Zener Diode Solar Cell:
Power Zener Diodes - Voltage Regulation:
12V LED Battery Level Indicator:
Reverse Polarity Circuit Protection:
High Voltage Surge Protection Circuit:
AC DC Polarity Tester Circuit:
DC to AC Reverse Polarity Circuit:
Varactor Diodes - Voltage Capacitors:
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